As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
We highly encourage our clients to have their pets seen once a year. This allows us to establish a baseline for your pet’s health and to keep them properly vaccinated and protected from parasites.
Our goal is to provide the highest quality veterinary care for our patients. Our doctor exams are a minimum of 30 minutes long. We do thorough head to tail exams and make sure we are sharing our findings with you as we proceed.
Annual exams also allow us to take a look at your pet’s teeth on a regular basis. Pets typically don’t need dental cleanings twice a year like we do but it is important to keep an eye on your pets’ teeth. Annual dental cleanings are recommended.
Most importantly, Annual exams also allow us to build a relationship with you and your pet. This will hep us provide the best care when illness or injuries happen.